Department of Political Science

Courses offered

Complementary papers for BA English, BA History & BA Economics.
1. Introduction to political science and governmental structures and processes.
2. Political Ideas, Concepts, and Ideologies.


Sl No. Name of the Faculty Designation Contact Details Photo Profile
1 Ranjith Kumar KC Assistant Professor &Head 9744805665  ViewMore


Activities and Events 2023-24

  • 14/8/23 Quiz Competition: The Quiz Clubs of  Departments of History and Political Science in association with C Achutha Menon Foundation organised a Quiz Competition on 14/08/2023.
  • 08/08/2023 “Give Peace a Chance” program organised by NSS units Department of History and Department of Political science in association with Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad on 8/8/2023

Activities and Events 2022-23

  • 25/01/2023 In connection with Republic Day Department of History and Political Science, NSS Units and Quiz Club jointly organized Republic Day Quiz