College Co-operative Society Ltd. R 455
The College Co-operative Society Ltd. R 455 is incorporated under the Societies Registration Act, 1960 in the year 1976. The society started functioning from 21/02/1976. The objective of the Society is to inculcate a habit of thrift among the students. The text books and notes books are supplied through the store at a price below the market price. All types of writing materials are arranged in the store which functions throughout on all working days. Photo copying service is also available in the store.
Staff Coordinator
S V Rajkumar
The society has been governed by an elected body of Executive Committee with the Principal of the College as Ex–Officio President and Secretary as the Chief Administrative Officer. The accounts of the society are subject to audit by the Co-operative department of the Kerala Government annually. The society is not functioning with a profit motive but enabling the students to get study materials and equipment with ease.
In short this store is not acting as business unit but as a true companion of the students in assisting their academic activities. The society is being guided and monitored by the officials of Cooperative Department of Thrissur district, Kerala State. The support of College Principal, faculty members and non-teaching staff is extremely precious in the functioning of the society.