Department of Statistics

Department of Statistics has a perfect vision and mission to achieve goals and values through some beliefs. The vision of the Department is to contribute through excellence in education and research in the areas of Statistical Sciences through services to the community. The research objective of the department are Pure Statistics, Applied Statistics and Data science and to get maximum utility for the well being of all creatures in the society. The mission of the department is to provide excellent training in the areas of applied Statistics especially on data collection, data management and data analysis.

Fully functional Seminar Hall and Systems for studying various Statistical Software are also available in the Department. Department is interested in adopting Statistical Analysis Works for empowering the students by using the Statistical Software’s and making them adopt the works as data scientists.

The College library employs the latest technology in library sciences to provide the best learning to its users.  Well-stocked collection of books of Statistics and Mathematics is available in the College Library. The College Library is fully automated and provides user services through computers. All the Teachers and Students can use it for the study.

Department aim at preparing quality leaders and professionals in this technological era and try to promote talented students in getting education from higher institutes. The department also focus on the concepts of social justice, equity and good relation to develop collaborated research activities.

Established Year


Programmes Offered

B.Sc. Statistics

Annual intake of Students


Head of the Department

Flowery Francis


Sl No. Name of the Faculty          Designation Contact Details Photo Profile
    1 Flowery Francis Assistant Professor & Head 9495496748
    2 Sujith P Assistant Professor 9447704393
    3  Dr. T. Unnikrishnan  Assistant Professor  9400839525
4 Dr. Aswathy S Krishnan Assistant Professor 9495595621

 Activities and Events 2023-’24

Activities and Events 2022-’23