PG and Research Department of History

The Department of History was born along with the birth of the college on 14th August 1972. Post Graduate course in History was started on 15th November 1993. Department had maintained a collection of historical relics and antiques in the museum Another asset of the Department is a data bank of reports pertaining to important excavations being held all over the world.   Department has maintained an e-library having a collection including research papers, articles, theses submitted to different universities, and books. A collection of maps is made using department funds collected by teachers for effective transactions of social, political, and cultural history. Efforts were made by the department to integrate cross-cutting issues such as Gender, Climate change, Environmental Education, Human Rights, etc. into the curriculum.

We offer specialized studies such as Archaeology, Gender studies, and Historiography, which provide greater opportunities for students. Students completing UG in History can take admission for further studies in Education, Law, Journalism, etc. A student who successfully completes the UG programme in History has opportunities ranging from Post graduation in History, Anthropology, Sociology, and Archaeology.

We have developed our own strategies for transacting content with the students. In addition to the interactive sessions in classrooms, we propose innovative means like field visits to historically relevant sites inside and outside Kerala. The department has organized many one-day lecture series, Memorial lectures, National seminars, and workshops focusing on Gender, modernity, and history . Eminent personalities who have worked in various areas were invited to deliver lectures.  Department is organizing a Yearly Memorial Lecture from 2017 onwards to commemorate the late Meera Kosambi who had rendered meritorious academic service in the field of Historical Studies. The department also organized Elamkulam memorial lecture from 2011 onwards to commemorate his contributions to Kerala history. Intense local history research is going on using student potential. Field visits are organized to megalithic sites in Thrissur district as part of giving firsthand experience on Megalithic monuments. The frequently visited sites are Cheramanangad, Ariyanur, Eyyal, etc. Study tours are regularly organized to centers of historical importance to get a wider perspective on the history of India.

In an attempt to boost academic activities we have co-operated with institutions- both governmental and Non-Governmental like the Archaeological Survey of India, Kerala Archaeological Department, GARGI Women Media Centre, Thrissur, Sahithya Akademy, Thrissur, Department of History, University of Calicut, Jananeethi Institute, Thrissur,  Department of Public relations, Government of Kerala and Department of Archives. These agencies have worked as supporting and information-providing sources for various studies and activities conducted by the Department.

The department is a recognized research center as per Order No: U.O.No.12628/2020/Admn dtd. 16.12.2020 under the Faculty of History, University of Calicut.

Programmes Offered:   

B A in History
M A in History
Ph. D in History

Sl No. Name of the Faculty Designation Contact Details Photo Profile
1 Dr. Sreeparvathi D. Assistant Professor & Head



2 Dr. Sheeja P C Associate Professor


3 Fukarali C A C Associate Professor


4 Dr. I J Shajimon
Assistant Professor 9388575318
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5 Animol Jacob Assistant Professor  


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6 Sini P M Assistant Professor 9947468935
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7 Rincy T P Assistant Professor 9495246659
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8 Saritha Sivadas Assistant Professor 9961375177
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Academic Activities and Events 2023-24

Academic Activities and Events 2023-24

Academic Activities and Events 2022-23

Academic Activities and Events 2021-22

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report 2022-23

Annual Report 2021-22

Annual Report 2020-21

Heads of the Department

Students’ Achievements

Heritage Museum Gallery
