- Students should leave the campus before 5 pm.
- Students are permitted on the campus during holidays only with the permission of the teacher concerned.
- Students are to make use of the library during free hours and shall not loiter about on the verandas or corridors of the college.
- Students shall use the property of the college with care and keep the building and furniture clean.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus and punishable under the Kerala Ragging Prohibition Act 1998.
- Students are themselves responsible for their personal belongings.
- A student engaged in Union activities or other activities assigned by the college may be given an attendance concession for a maximum of 10 days only.
- Prior written sanctions are to be taken from the principal for all seminars, fests, talks conducted by the department/ clubs, etc. And of the guests to be invited, including that of the college union activities.
- All expressions of activities which are immoral, antisocial, communal, and anti-national are strictly prohibited in the college campus.
- The entry of outsiders into the campus is restricted by the permission of the Principal.
- No vehicle is allowed to play through the campus during college hours. Vehicles are expected to be parked only in space provided for the purpose.
- Announcements and notices signed by the teachers- in charge/HOD and countersigned by the Principal only will be entertained in the classroom.
- The campus is a narcotic-free zone. Use of any kind of alcoholic liquor, drugs, and other tobacco products in an area with a radius of 100 yards of the educational institution is prohibited vide GO No .822/05/H Edu.dt.12.05.2005.
- Students are to abide by the motto- Clean Campus Green Campus. The campus is following the Govt. Instruction to undergo green protocol. So, it is strictly prohibited plastic items such as flex, banners, posters, flags, and decorations.