Minutes of IQAC meetings 2023-2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 4/1/2023
Minutes of the meeting held on 11/10/2022
Minutes of the meeting held on 15/9/2022
Minutes of the meeting held on 10/8/2022
Minutes of the meeting held on 6/7/2022
Minutes of meeting held on 2/6/22
Time: 5.00 PM
- Subscription of journals and newspapers for library
- Subscription of N-list
Members Present:
- Ambika P V
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr. R Ramya
- Dr. Manojkumar P S
- Ann Placid
- Sreevidya S
- Flowry Francis
- Rajkumar S V
- Suresh A K
- Decided to recommend to subscribe for journals and newspapers for library.
- Decided to recommend to renew the subscription for N-list resources.
Meeting concluded at 6.00 pm
Action taken
- Decision was taken to subscribe for journal and newspaper. The HODs are asked to submit the journal lists before 10th December 2020
- Decision was taken to renew the subscription for N List.
Time11.00 AM
- Research committee reconstitution
- Research department –History
- Internal examinations
Members Present:
- Dr. Anuradha
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr. R Ramya
- Dr. Manojkumar P S
- Sabitha S Babu
- Sreevidya S
- Flowry Francis
- Ambika P V
- Sujisha T G
- Decided to recommend to reconstitute research committee.
- Decided to recommend to take necessary action to submit proposals and application for upgrading history department as research department.
- Decided to recommend to conduct online examination for 3rd and 5th semester UG students.
Meeting concluded at 12.pm
Action Taken
- Research committee was constituted on 09/07/2020
- Department of history submitted application for research centre in the month of August 2020
- Online internal examination were scheduled during the days from 12th August 2020
Time 2.00 PM
- To constitute NPTEL nodal centre
- To collaborate with COURSEERA and enroll for online classes
- Apply for new gen courses
Members Present:
- Dr Anuradha
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr. R Ramya
- Dr. Manojkumar P S
- Sabitha S Babu
- Sreevidya S
- Flowry Francis
- Ambika P V
- Sujisha T G
- Decided to recommend to take action to constitute NPTEL nodal centre in the college
- Decided to recommend to take action to collaborate with COURSEERA platform to avail free courses of various universities.
- Decided to recommend to take immediate actions to apply for new generation courses declared by the Government.
Meeting concluded at 3.00 pm
Action taken
- Decision was taken in the college council to constitute NPTEL nodal centre in the college.
- College council decided to take action to constitute COURSERA platform.
- Decided to apply for new generation courses. Application was submitted in the month of July 2020
Time 5.00 PM
- Preparation of college brochure
- Workshop for teachers on conducting online classes
Members Present:
- Dr Anuradha
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr. R Ramya
- Dr. Manojkumar P S
- Sabitha S Babu
- Sreevidya S
- Flowry Francis
- Ambika P V
- Sujisha T G
- Decided to recommend to prepare a brochure for the college highlighting courses, facilities etc.
- Decided to organise a workshop in the computer science laboratory for the teachers for enabling them to conduct the online classes.
Meeting concluded at 6.00 pm
Action Taken
- Prepared brochure highlighting all courses, facilities etc.
- The workshop was organised in the second week of June 2020 . The Computer Science faculty members led the sessions and familiarised the software.
Time 6.00 PM
- Online class –Recording facilities and studio rooms-MLA fund
- Waste management proposals
Members Present:
- Dr. Anuradha
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr. Ramya R
- Sabita S Babu
- Sasidharan M.N.
- P.S. Manojkumar
- Dr.E Murali
- Sujisha T G
- AmbikA P V
- Decided to recommend to seek financial assistance to set up media studio rooms for each departments for the smooth conduct of online classes.
- Decided to recommend to submit proposals for financial assistance before corporation authorities for waste management of the college including hostel.
Meeting concluded at 7.00 pm
Action taken
- Submitted proposal before the MLA for setting up of studio rooms for smooth conduct of online class.
- Submitted proposal before corporation seeking assistance for waste management of the college for constructing Thumburmuzhi project, Bio gas plant and Grey water treatment plant.
Venue: Principal’s Chamber Time 3.30 PM
- Plan fund proposal
- Specific proposals for the toilet facilities for differently abled and transgender students
- Plan of action for 2020-21
- Dr. E Murali
- P V Ambika
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr P S Manojkumar
- Dr.R Ramya
- Smitha Menon
- Dr B Vijayakumar
- Sasidharan M N
- Decided to recommend to submit proposals for availing plan funds under various heads within time.
- Resolved to make initiatives to collect detailed proposals from the HOD’s for availing the plan funds for various academic activities and developing infrastructure of the respective departments.
- Decided to recommend to submit detailed proposal seeking assistance for constructing toilets for the differently abled and transgender students.
- Decided to formulate a plan of action for the academic year 2020-21.
Meeting concluded at 4.30 PM
Action taken Report
- College council decided to instruct the department to submit the proposal before 20th March
- It was also decided to submit the proposals to DC and do the same in the month of April.
- Decided to submit request before the MLA to get assistance for the purpose.
- Decided to formulate the plan of action for the year 2020-21.
Venue: Principal’s Chamber Time 3.30 PM
- Lead college- Proposal
- Academic and administrative audit
- Dr E Murali
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr.B Vijayakumar
- Dr. P S Manojkumkar
- Sabitha S Babu
- Soumya Mohan
- Ambika P V
- Decided to recommend to submit proposal for availing the status of Lead college.
Meeting concluded at 4.30 PM
Action Taken Report
- College council decided to submit proposal for availing status of Lead college.
Venue: Principal’s Chamber Time 3.30 PM
- Language lab renovation
- Conducting internal examinations
- Dr. E Murali
- P V Ambika
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr P S Manojkumar
- Dr.R Ramya
- Smitha Menon
- Dr B Vijayakumar
- Decided to recommend to renovate the English language lab.
- Decided to propose to conduct internal examinations by the last week of January.
Meeting concluded at 4.30 PM
Action Taken Report
- College council had taken decision to renovate the English language lab on 14/01/2020
- Decided to conduct Internal examination.
Venue: Principal’s Chamber Time 3.30 PM
- Filing of SSR
- Conduct of class PTA
- Collection of student feedback
- Seeking donation from teachers for NAAC accreditation process
1.Dr.E Murali
- P V Ambika
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr P S Manojkumar
- Dr T G Saji
- Dr.R Ramya
- Smitha Menon
- Dr B Vijayakumar
- Decided to recommend to seek permission from the college council to file the SSR during the last of November 2019.
- Decided to recommend to conduct class PTA by the first week of December.
- Decided to recommend to collect the Student’s feedback on the semester completed.
- Decided to recommend to collect contribution from teaching staff to meet the expenditure for the NAAC accreditation process.
Meeting concluded at 4.30 PM
Action Taken Report
- College council decided to submit the SSR on 29th November 2019
- College council instructed the HODs to conduct class PTA before 10th December 2019.
- Decided to collect feedback from the students
- Decision was taken in the staff meetings conducted on 04/12/2019
Venue: Principal’s Chamber Time 3.30 PM
- Payment of IIQA fee
- Application for new programmes
- Application for sanctioning of new posts
- Application for financial assistance from MLA
- ORIC studio- regarding
- Constitution of Endowments and awards to meritorious students
- Dr. E Murali
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr.B Vijayakumar
- Dr. P S Manojkumar
- Dr.T G Saji
- Dr. R Ramya
- Soumya Mohan
- Sabitha S Babu
- Decided to recommend to pay the IIQA fee before 1 October
- Decided to recommend to submit an application before the Government through MLA requesting to sanction new programmes focusing science subject.
- Decided to recommend to submit an application before the Government seeking sanction of new posts for the Department of Computer Science, Psychology and Statistics.
- Decided to recommend to make a delegation before the MLA seeking financial assistance from MLS’s asset creation fund for various developmental projects.
- Decided to recommend for setting a well equipped ORICE studio and to seek financial assistance for the same.
- Decided to recommend for setting up of endowment awards for meritorious students in the field of academic, sports and cultural activities.
Meeting concluded at 5.00 PM
Action Taken Report
- Paid the IIQA fee on 11th October 2019
- Submitted application before the Govt. through MLA
- Submitted application before the DC seeking sanction on new posts.
- Delegation was made before the MLA and submitted proposals for needy developmental projects.
- Proposal for setting up of ORICE studio was submitted on March 2020
- College council has decided to conduct merit day in the month of November 2020.
Venue: Principal’s Cabin Time 3.30 PM
- Constitution of new committee for website
- Seminars of Departments and IQAC
- Availing of funds for meeting required fee for submission of IIQA and SSR
- Conducting internal examinations
- Dr. E Murali
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr T G Saji
- Dr. P S Manojkumar
- Dr.R Remya
- Soumya Mohan
- Smitha Menon
- Dr.B Vijayakumar
- Decided to recommend to constitute a new committee for managing the college website.
- Decided to recommend to conductNational / International level seminar by various departments using plan fund.
- Decided to conduct a seminar on LMS by IQAC after the seminars of the departments.
- An amount of Rs 4,24,800/- ( Rupees Four Lakh Twenty Four Thousand Eight Hundred) is necessary for filing IIQA, SSR and Logistics (IIQA- Rs 29,500/-, SSR 1 Stage- Rs 1,09,150/-, SSR 2nd Stage Rs 1,09,150/- and Logistics Rs 1,77,000/-). It is decided o submit a detailed report before the college council and to recommend to apply for the above mentioned fund.
- Decided to recommend to conduct internal exams.
Meeting concluded at 5.00 PM
Action Taken Report
- New committee was constituted on 07/08/2019
- Departments were asked to submit the schedule of seminars and the dates were fixed accordingly. IQAC has decided to conduct the seminar after the departments’ seminar.
- The details of the amount mentioned were intimated in submission. Proposals were sent to DC to obtain the amount.
- College council decided to conduct the internal examination.
Venue: Principal’s Chamber Time 3.30 PM
- Induction programme for students
- Workshop on the revised syllabus
- IIQA preparation
- Quality improvement initiation
- Dr.Babu C C
- Vijayan P.K
- Dr.B Viajayakumar
- Dr.T.G Saji
- Dr. Ramya R
- Soumya Mohan
- Sasidharan M N
- Dr.Manojkumar P S
- Dr. E Murali
- Decided to recommend to conduct induction programme for the first year UG students by the concerned departments
- Decided to recommend to conduct department level workshop on the revised curriculum and syllabi
- Decided to recommend the finalisation of the preparation of IIQA and submit it by August.
- Resolved to make initiatives to collect the detailed report of all the academic and curricular activities of the college and to intimate all the HOD’s to give information regarding their department.
- Decided to recommend to the Department of Economics and English to apply for research centre.
Meeting concluded at 4.30 PM
Action Taken Report
- College council decided to instruct the department to conduct induction programme for the first year UG students and the same were conducted by the departments.
- Instructed the departments to conduct workshop on the revised curriculum and syllabi. The same was done by the4 department and the detailed syllabus were submitted to the IQAC.
- IIQA finalised and submitted on 11th October 2019
- Collected detailed report.
- Economics department applied for Research centre on 26th February 2019
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 14/03/2019
Members Present
- Dr.Babu.C C, Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Coordinator
- T.G Saji, Assistant Professor of Commerce
- Dr. B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- P.S Manojkumar, Assistant Professor of History
- S V Rajkumar, Assistant Professor of Commerce
- Renjithkumar KC, Assistant Professor of Political Science
- Soni. T L, Assistant Professor of Economics
- Dr.Ajitha T.S, Assistant Professor of Sanskrit
- Shajimon IJ, Assistant Professor of History
- Decided to conduct a workshop on Innovation and Technology in Teaching
- Decided to conduct a one day workshop on “Research writing” for the faculty members of the college.
- Constituted the NAAC steering committee for each of the seven criteria and an advisory committee for guiding and advising the steering committee in the accreditation process.
- Decided to convene the meeting of the steering committee to begin the process of preparing the Self Study Report.
- Decided to conduct a one day workshop on Quality Admission for the administrative staff of the college.
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 14/03/2019
- Organized a one day workshop on ‘Research writing for the faculty members of the college on 20th March 2019.
- Conducted a two-day workshop on “Innovation and Technology in Teaching” on 22nd and 23rd March 2019.
- Convened the meeting of a steering committee to begin the process of preparing the Self Study Report on 28th March 2019..
- Organized a one day workshop on Quality Administration for the administrative staff of the college on 23rd March 2019.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 05/03/2019
Members Present
- Dr.Babu.C C, Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Coordinator
- Pradeep Hariharan, Assistant Professor of English
- Dr. B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- P.S Manojkumar, Assistant Professor of History
- Dr.E.Murali, Associate Professor of Commerce
- Renjithkumar KC, Assistant Professor of Political Science
- Siyar Manuraj, Assistant Professor of Economics
- Smitha Mohan, Senior Superintendent
- Decided to conduct a national seminar on the topic Quality management and accreditation in higher education.
- Decided to conduct a workshop on MOOC and Moodle in the month of March 2019.
- Decided to collect feedback for the academic year 2018-19 from students, alumni, and parents.
- Decided to start the activities related to the promotion of teachers as per the guideline issued by the Directorate of Collegiate Education.
- Decided to submit a proposal to get fund assistance under State Plan Fund for the third stage NAAC visit in the college.
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 05/03/2019
- Organized a national seminar on the topic “Quality management and accreditation in higher education” on 7th March 2019 for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college.
- Collected feedback from a specific number of students, alumni, and parents.
- Started the activities related to the promotion of teachers as per the guideline issued by the Directorate of Collegiate Education Collected the profile of the department and teachers with the proofs of their seminar participation/presentations and publications.
- Submitted proposal to get fund assistance under State Plan Fund for the third stage NAAC visit in the college.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 05/09/2018
Members Present
- Dr.Babu.C C, Principal
- Pradeep Hariharan, Assistant Professor of English
- Dr. B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- T.G Saji, Assistant Professor of Commerce
- Decided to upload AQAR 2014-15 in the immediate day.
- Decided to submit AQAR for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 in the month of September 2018 itself.
- Decided to submit AQAR for the year 2017-18 by the month of December 2018
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 05/09/2018
- Uploaded AQAR of 2014-15 on 29th September 2018
- Uploaded AQAR of 2015-16 on 4th December 2018 and AQAR of 2016-17 on 31st December 2018.
- Uploaded AQAR of 2017-18 on 31st January 2019.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 01/02/2018
Members Present
- Dr.Babu.C C, Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Coordinator
- Dr. Binu. K D, Assistant Professor of English
- Magan Bala, Assistant Professor of English
- P.S Manojkumar, Assistant Professor of History
- Ullas M A, Assistant Professor of Economics
- P.M.Moideen, Senior Superintendant
- Dr. B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- Decided to direct all teachers to submit the details of all programs conducted by them in charge of various bodies for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17.
- Decided to speed up the process of completing AQAR for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17.
- Decided to insist on the teaching departments to convene meetings of Parents Teachers Associations (PTA) at class level in order to evaluate the students’ performance in internal assessments as well as previous semesters’ University level examinations.
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 01/02//2018
- IQAC was able to collect necessary details from various statutory cells, clubs, and student amenity centers for the preparation of AQARs for the period 2015-16 and 2016-2017.
- Convened class level PTA meetings in which the results of students’ performance in examinations were discussed with parents and sought measures to get better the performance of the students who are weak in their studies.
- Collected feedback from a selected number of parents about the curriculum and institution.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 04/01/2018
Members Present
- Dr.Babu.C C, Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Coordinator
- Dr. Binu. K D, Assistant Professor of English
- Dr.E.Murali, Associate Professor of Commerce
- Anne Placid, Assistant Professor of English
- P.S Manojkumar, Aiisitant Professor of History
- Ullas M A, Assistant Professor of Economics
- P.M.Moideen, Senior Superintendant
- Decided to give directions to various teaching departments in the preparation of records and files on the quality enhancement and the related curricular activities initiated by them.
- Decided to request the College Council and PTA to get the service of a computer professional in data management and system support concerning the preparation of AQAR and other related documents of IQAC.
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 04/01/2018
- The preparation of AQAR and other related records for various years have almost completed.
- Uploaded AQAR for the year 2013-14 on 28/03/2018.
- Conducted a workshop on quality enhancement for the teachers.
- Initiatives were taken to ensure that the records and files on quality improvement are duly maintaining both at institutional and individual levels.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 18/12/2017
Members Present
- Dr.B Unnikrishnan Nair, Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Co ordinator
- T.G Saji, Assistant Professor of Commerce
- Dr.E.Murali, Associate Professor of Commerce
- Dr. B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- Decided to direct all departments to submit department profile for the preparation of AQAR before 10th January 2018.
- Decided to visit all departments to review the progress of the quality enhancement and the related records by a committee of teachers duly constituted for the purpose.
- Decided to direct all departments to give prior intimation to the IQAC for providing the needed support and assistance.
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 18/12/2017
- The necessary information was collected from the teachers and teaching departments for the preparation of AQAR.
- The committee of teachers entrusted by IQAC has visited and evaluated the quality enhancement activities initiated by the departments.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 16/03/2017
Members Present
- .C.K, Thomas, Vice Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Coordinator
- T.G Saji, Assistant Professor of Commerce
- Ramya R, Assistant Professor of Economics
- Dr B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- Sujisha T G, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Decided to collect students’ feedback before 27/03/2017.
- Decided to conduct workshop on quality enhancement in higher education
- Decided to collect feedback from a specific number of parents and Alumni.
- Decided to demand updated Department, as well as Teachers, profile with supporting evidence of their claims on or before 30/03/2017.
- Decided to distribute materials to prepare the required files for the forthoming NAAC assessment.
- Decided to buy a digital Handi Cam for recording the important events that conduct in the college.
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 16/03/2017
- Purchased a Handi Cam to record the major academic events by IQAC
- Collected feedback from a selected number of students, alumni and parents.
- Conducted a workshop on quality enhancement for the teachers.
- Collected the profile of the department and teachers with the proofs of their seminar participation/presentations and publications.
- Organised the International seminar at the college.
Minutes of IQAC Meeting on 15/01/2016
Members Present
- U.S Mohanan, Principal
- P.K Vijayan, IQAC Coordinator
- T.G Saji, Assistant Professor of Commerce
- Priya Ravinath, Assistant Professor of English
- Smitha R, Assistant Professor of Economics
- Dr. B Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor of Hindi
- Sujisha T G, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- C.K Thomas, Associate Professor of Physical Education
- Sindhu Mol K.P, Sr. Superintendent
- Decided to purchase desktop computers and a printer with a scanner for IQAC.
- Decided to use the services of an Office Clerk for Secretarial work
- Decided to sanction funds for the website maintenance
- Decided to print Teachers’ Diary to record the teaching, and other academic assignments undertook by the teachers and Attendance Register to record the students’ attendance.
- Decided to give additional financial assistance to the Department of Economics for organizing an International Seminar
Action Taken on the basis of the minutes of IQAC Meeting on 15/01/2016
- Purchased a computer and printer for IQAC
- Made available of an Office clerk for secretarial work assistance to IQAC on payment of the honorarium at the prescribed rate.
- The maintenance of the website is entrusted to an agency with expertise in the concerned domain.
- Printed registers and Teachers Diary and supplied the same to all Teachers in a time-bound manner.
- Organized the International seminar in the college.